
(April, 2021) The text below, written after about four years of maintaining my blog, is too endearing to my 15 years later self that I can’t bring myself to delete it. At any rate, by way of an update, I’m still living just north of Tokyo, and have survived the intervening years better than my moribund site, which had until now been inactive for eight years. I daresay that is the most likely outcome for this nth iteration of the site/blog, so don’t get too comfortable. I don’t read blogs these days, so I doubt many will ever stumble across any of these pages, but yet I feel the masochist’s urge to restart this yet again.
As of this writing (July 2006) I’ve been maintaining this blog for over four years. Back when I started, I felt sure that it would be a passing interest, like so many other temporary interests of mine. But remarkably, I’m still at it, though perhaps with a bit less energy expended than in the past. When I started it, I felt I was already behind the times a bit, with respect to blogging. Little did I know that things would take off much further after that. (Here’s my inaugural post.)
I have lived just north of Tokyo (Japan) for some four-plus years now. I suspect I will be here for a lot longer than that. I tend to write about Japan, especially more “big-picture” stuff, and photography, though of course not exclusively.
I can be reached at kurt @ easterwood [dot] org .